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Image by Quang Tri NGUYEN


Keep your damaged teeth protected from further issues.

Dental crown Melbourne

Porcelain crowns, also known as ceramic crowns, are a type of dental restoration that is used to cover and protect a damaged or decayed tooth. They are custom-made to fit over the existing tooth, and are designed to look and function like a natural tooth.


One of the main advantages of porcelain crowns is their natural-looking appearance. Porcelain is a type of ceramic material that closely mimics the light-reflecting properties of natural teeth. This makes porcelain crowns a great option for restoring front teeth and for patients who are concerned about the appearance of their teeth.

Porcelain crowns can also be used to improve the colour and shape of teeth. They are matched to the colour of the patient's natural teeth and can be used to correct cosmetic issues such as discolouration, uneven shape, and gaps between teeth.


Porcelain crowns are also a durable option. They can last for many years with proper care and maintenance. They are also resistant to staining and discolouration, making them a great option for patients who are concerned about maintaining the appearance of their teeth.


In addition, porcelain crowns are biocompatible and are not expected to cause any adverse reactions. They are also a good option for patients who have metal allergies.


The procedure for placing a porcelain crown typically takes two visits to the dentist. During the first visit, the tooth is prepared and 3D images are taken. This images are used to create a custom-made crown that will fit over the existing tooth. During the second visit, the custom-made crown is placed and cemented onto the existing tooth.


In conclusion, porcelain crowns are a great option for restoring damaged or decayed teeth. They are natural-looking, durable, resistant to staining and discolouration, biocompatible, and can correct cosmetic issues such as discolouration, uneven shape, and gaps between teeth. They are a great option for patients who are concerned about the appearance of their teeth, and for those who want a long-lasting, natural-looking solution. It's important to note that while porcelain crowns are a great option, they are not suitable for every case and the best option should be chosen after consulting with a dentist.






What's a dental crown? 


A dental crown is a tooth coloured protective shell that's placed on top of a tooth. Over time, the tooth structure can become worn or cracked, particularly where big fillings have been placed in the past. This wear makes a tooth susceptible to significant damage which can lead to teeth breaking. The dentists at Premier Dental Group will examine the condition of your teeth to determine whether or not a dental crown is necessary. It's our goal with this procedure to protect your teeth from further decay and damage. 


What are the benefits of dental crowns? 


Dental crowns are a quick, cost-effective, and a painless way to protect your teeth. Enamel plays a vital role in protecting your teeth from becoming damaged, but this layer is often broken down leaving your teeth exposed. With a dental crown, you're improving the strength of your tooth while protecting it. By protective and strengthening fragile teeth, crowns can also make it easier to eat and drink. Crowns can be customised to look like your adjacent teeth, so they are aesthetic as well as functional.


When do I need a dental crown? 


  • Your tooth is weak, broken, or worn down. 

  • You need to cover a dental implant. 

  • Your tooth is cracked. 

  • The tooth has received a root canal. 


Feel free to call the experts at Premier Dental Group to schedule an appointment today.

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